How it all began....

, by SAND N SALT KIDS, 1 min reading time

A idea of a kids clothing line with meaning + purpose emerged

I’m Ash, mum to 2 rad little lads + we live in phillip island, Australia

In 2015 everything changed for me, my life had changed and I was changing with it.

A idea of a kids clothing line with meaning + purpose emerged… unknown to me it would later become a reality. A big one at that!

I believe this was my Saturn return… Saturn return is a period in our lives when the planet Saturn completes its orbit around the Sun. It takes what we don’t need in our life that’s stopping from being who we were born to be + guides us to our purpose.

I wanted to create a brand that people wanted to be part of … not just wear! But i also had no idea where to begin, how does one even start a clothing line, a clothing brand for kids. 

Google was my best friend with Pinterest for a long time while i found my feet and navigated through the process of building up my ideas.

Sandnsaltkids really just represents who I am, what I stand for, what excites me…

I’m not trying to just sell clothes I’m trying to make change, positivity + tell a story along the way.

THANK YOU for being part of our journey!


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